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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 4957 asked in the Legislative Council on 19 June 2007 by Hon Nigel Hallett

Question Directed to the: Leader of the House representing the Minister for Water Resources
Parliament: 37 Session: 1

(1) What specific service or services is the other 69 percent ($4 million) of the $5.8 million revenue from water licence fees related to?

(2) If the majority of the $5.8 million revenue is to be applied to services that have not been previously specified, why weren’t the services specified?

(3) In regard to water licence administration, what services other than assessing applications for new licences, checking compliance with licence conditions, maintaining licensing databases, management of appeals and community awareness, does the Department of Water provide, that are included in annual licence fees?

Answered on 14 August 2007

The Minister for Water Resources has provided the following response:


(1) Initially I wish to suggest the member meant to refer to 4779 rather than 4799. Also the Members statement that precedes the three-part question is not a full and accurate reflection of the answers I gave to earlier questions. The breakdown of costs as I stated in previous answers is:

- Licensing and renewal 71%

- Checking compliance with licence conditions 14%

- Maintaining licensing database 7%

- Management of appeals 4%

- Community awareness 4%

The $130 000 related specifically to an estimated 650 applications in 2006-07 for short tenure and temporary licences that do not pay an annual fee. For all other licences to take water the $200 application fee is to initiate the assessment process only. The remaining costs for the administration of licences with different annual water entitlements is recovered through the licensee paying the difference between the application fee and the annual fee in the first instance on grant of the water licence, and then annually (in accordance with the fee schedule). 

(2) Refer to answer for Q1 - all services have been specified. 

(3) No other services are provided other than the categories of services previously advised. A range of processes are involved with each service category that are exhaustive and complex.
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