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  • The Public Administration meets on 29/04/2024 (11:00 AM)
    Committee meet 29/04/2024

Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 3507 asked in the Legislative Council on 22 February 2011 by Hon Ken Travers

Question Directed to the: Minister for Finance representing the Minister for Transport
Parliament: 38 Session: 1

(1) Can the Minister list the location of traffic counters on the Kwinana Freeway and Forrest Highway?
(2) How often is information collected from these counters?

(3) What was the average daily traffic count at each location, when the Forrest Highway was first opened?

(4) What is the most recent average daily traffic count at each location?

Answered on 5 April 2011

Main Roads WA advises:
(1)  Kwinana Freeway = South of Roe Highway, South of Paganoni Road and North of Pinjarra Road. Forrest Highway = North of Old Bunbury Road.
(2)  Continuously.
(3)  The monthly average daily weekday travel volumes (Monday - Friday):
50094 = Northbound 50 690, Southbound 51 060
50164 = Northbound 11 220, Southbound 12 170
50165 = Northbound 7 880, Southbound 8 220
50166 = Northbound 4 630, Southbound 5 050
(4)  The most recent monthly average daily weekday traffic volumes (Monday - Friday):
50094 = Northbound 52 880, Southbound 52 660
50164 = Northbound 14 000, Southbound 14 900
50165 = Northbound 8 230, Southbound 8 710
50166 = Northbound 5 010, Southbound 5 650

The Liberal-National Government was pleased to have been able to deliver and open the Forrest Highway.
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