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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 17/09/2024 (01:00 PM)
    Assembly sit 17/09/2024
  • The Legislative Council meets on 17/09/2024 (01:00 PM)
    Council sit 17/09/2024

Current e-Petitions for the Legislative Council

Leave faith-based schools alone

Eligibility : Residents of Western Australia Only

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned ...

1. Believe that in a democratic society, parental choice in education and religious freedom are fundamental pillars that ought to be protected by governments;
2. Recognise that faith-based schools play a crucial role in providing parents an education for their children grounded in values and beliefs that are consistent with those taught in their home;
3. Are concerned that the State and Federal governments may move to subject faith-based schools to unreasonable limitations, jeopardising their ability to deliver the uniquely faith-based education that is sought after by families in our communities;
4. Note that the Australian Federal Government is awaiting a report from the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) dealing with religious educational institutions; and
5. Call on the Legislative Council to urge the Western Australian Government to delay any changes to the state Equal Opportunity Act until the findings of the ALRC have been handed down.

And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.

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