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Mr Peter Rundle MLA

Deputy Leader of The Nationals WA; Shadow Minister for Education; Training; International Education; Sport & Recreation; Racing & Gaming; Tourism

Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Manager of Opposition Business


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

RUNDLE, Peter James, MLA
Member for Roe
The Nationals WA


Elected to the Fortieth Parliament for Roe (new seat) on 11 March 2017.
Re-elected 2021.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Education & Training; Sports & Recreation; Racing & Gaming from 19 April 2021 to 7 February 2023.
Shadow Minister for Education; Training; International Education; Sport & Recreation; Racing & Gaming from 7 February 2023 to 2 November 2023.
Shadow Minister for Education; Training; International Education; Sport & Recreation; Racing & Gaming; Commerce from 2 November 2023 to 22 July 2024.
Shadow Minister for Education; Training; International Education; Sport & Recreation; Racing & Gaming; Tourism from 22 July 2024.

Standing Committees

Member, Procedure and Privileges Committee from 23 May 2017 to 29 January 2021.
Member, Procedure and Privileges Committee from 12 May 2021 to 29 January 2025, (Deputy Chair from 1 June 2021).
Co-opted member, Public Accounts Committee's Inquiry into the Student Transport Assistance Policy framework from 18 August 2021 to 31 August 2022.

Sessional Committees

Member, Parliamentary Services Committee from 12 September 2017 to 7 December 2020.
Member, Parliamentary Services Committee from 12 May 2021 to 17 December 2024.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

The Nationals WA Whip from 17 March 2020 to 29 January 2021.
Opposition Whip from 14 April 2021 to 30 January 2023.

Deputy Leader of The Nationals WA from 30 January 2023.
Deputy Leader of the Opposition from 30 January 2023.
Manager of Opposition Business from 30 January 2023.



Born 31 October 1962, Katanning, Western Australia.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament

Farmer and Businessman.


The electorate of Roe is located in the Agricultural Region and includes all or parts of the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup, Shire of Cranbrook, Shire of Dumbleyung, Shire of Esperance, Shire of Gnowangerup, Shire of Jerramungup, Shire of Katanning, Shire of Kent, Shire of Kojonup, Shire of Lake Grace, Shire of Narrogin, Shire of Ravensthorpe, Shire of Wagin, Shire of West Arthur, Shire of Williams and the Shire of Woodanilling.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Amelup, Arthur River, Badgebup, Ballaying, Bandy Creek, Beaufort River, Beaumont, Beenong, Bobalong, Boilup, Bokal, Borden, Borderdale, Boscabel, Boundain, Bowelling, Boxwood Hill, Boyatup, Boyerine, Bremer Bay, Broomehill East, Broomehill Village, Broomehill West, Bullock Hills, Buniche, Buraminya, Cancanning, Cape Arid, Cape Le Grand, Carrolup, Cartmeticup, Cascade, Castletown, Chadwick, Changerup, Cherry Tree Pool, Coblinine, Collanilling, Condingup, Coomalbidgup, Cowalellup, Coyrecup, Cranbrook, Dalyup, Dardadine, Darkan, Dartnall, Datatine, Dongolocking, Dumberning, Dumbleyung, Dunn Rock, Duranillin, East Munglinup, East Newdegate, Esperance, Ewlyamartup, Fitzgerald River Nat Pk, Frankland River, Gairdner, Gibson, Glencoe, Gnowangerup, Grass Patch, Gundaring, Highbury, Hillside, Hopetoun, Howick, Jackitup, Jacup, Jaloran, Jerdacuttup, Jerramungup, Jingalup, Katanning, Kebaringup, Kenmare, Kojonup, Kuender, Kukerin, Lake Biddy, Lake Camm, Lake Grace, Lake King, Lake Toolbrunup, Lime Lake, Lort River, Lumeah, Magenta, Magitup, Mallee Hill, Marracoonda, Meeking, Merilup, Merivale, Mills Lake, Mindarabin, Minding, Minigin, Mobrup, Mokup, Monjebup, Monjingup, Moodiarrup, Moojebing, Moonies Hill, Moulyinning, Mt Madden, Mt Ney, Mt Sheridan, Munglinup, Muradup, Murdong, Myrup, Nairibin, Nalyerlup, Narrogin, Narrogin Valley, Needilup, Neendaling, Neridup, Newdegate, Nippering, Nomans Lake, North Burngup, North Cascade, North Kukerin, North Lake Grace, North Moulyinning, North Stirlings, Nulsen, Nyabing, Ongerup, Orchid Valley, Pallinup, Piesseville, Pingrup, Pink Lake, Pinwernying, Qualeup, Ravensthorpe, Ryansbrook, Salmon Gums, Scaddan, Sinclair, South Datatine, South Glencoe, South Kukerin, South Lake Grace, South Newdegate, Tambellup, Tarin Rock, Tenterden, Toompup, Trigwell, Varley, Wagin, Wansbrough, Wedgecarrup, West Beach, West Fitzgerald, West River, Westwood, Williams, Windabout, Wittenoom Hills, Woodanilling and Yilliminning.

Enrolment - 24,713 (11 February 2021)

Area - 104,934 km²

Further Biographical Details for Mr Peter James Rundle