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Ms Sue Walker MLA

B.Juris; L.LB

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
WALKER, Susan Elizabeth, MLA
Member for Nedlands

Elected to the Thirty-sixth Parliament for Nedlands at the by-election held on 9 June 2001 to fill the vacancy consequent upon the resignation of Richard Fairfax Court. Re-elected 2005. Contested the general election as an Indepedent for the electorate of Nedlands and defeated by William Richard Marmion.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Minister for Tourism 31 July 2001 - 31 December 2001. Shadow Minister for Tourism; Justice 1 January 2002 - 24 February 2003. Shadow Minister for Justice (Shadow Attorney General from 6 February 2004) and Community Services 24 February 2003 - 27 May 2004. Coalition Shadow Attorney General and Minister for Justice 27 May 2004 - 26 February 2005. Shadow Attorney General 9 March 2005 to 14 March 2006; Shadow Minister for Women's Interests 9 March 2005 - 22 May 2005. Shadow Attorney General from 24 March 2006 - 4 February 2008.

Standing Committees
Member Community Development and Justice Standing Committee 26 March 2002 - 17 August 2004.


14 September 1951, Plymouth UK. Arrived in Western Australia 1967.

Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament
B Juris, LL B, Lawyer (crown prosecutor), businesswoman.

Nedlands is located in the North Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Crawley, Dalkeith, Jolimont, Nedlands, Shenton Park and Subiaco, and parts of Claremont, Leederville and West Perth.
Enrolment (9 June 2001) 23,723; area 32 sq kms.