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You are making a submission to the: Inquiry into the delivery of ambulance services in Western Australia.

This inquiry is being conducted by the Public Administration Committee.

Committees will usually publish your name and submission on the Parliament's website.
All contact details entered on this page will be kept confidential.

Committees will usually publish your name and submission on the Parliament’s website.
Your personal contact details will not be published.
You can ask the Committee to keep some or all of your submission confidential (including your name). Contact committee staff to discuss this before lodging your submission.
Submissions to Parliamentary Committees are protected by parliamentary privilege.
For more information about making a submission.

You have requested that your name and submission be made public. The committee will now consider your request.

Please note: File types accepted are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .jpg, .png. The maximum number of files uploaded per submission is 6. The maximum total combined file size is 10 MB.



How did you hear about this inquiry?


Thank you for your submission.

Receipt number allocated to your submission: 345C74A33234A1A148258C2C0034D139

You will receive an email with a confirmation of your submission. The committee may be in touch.