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For the Parliament of Western Australia to host an electronic petition (ePetition) you will need to provide your name, address and a valid email address. This information is required so we can contact you if there are any problems with your petition. Only your name will be listed once your petition has been made public.

You will need to identify a Member of the Legislative Council who will facilitate the petition for you.

Fields marked with * are compulsory

Terms of your petition

  • The petition should not be the same as a petition that is already open for signatures.

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned ...

And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.

What Happens Next?

Your e-petition request will be emailled to you. You need to find a member of the Legislative Council to facilitate this petition. If they agree to present it, they will need to sign a copy of the petition and forward to the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Council.

If the e-petition request conforms to the Temporary Standing Orders it will be available for the public to sign on our website. You will receive an email which will contain a link to the petition and you will have the ability to share your petition in order to get signatures.

The Parliament of Western Australia’s role is only to facilitate the e-petitions process.