David Michael(ALP)
David Michael grew up in Tuart Hill and is dedicated to serving the community. He has lived locally his entire life and went to Tuart Hill Primary School and Servite College. He is a life member of the Tuart Hill Cricket Club, a board member of Tuart Hill Primary School, and a patron of the Osborne Park Bowling Club.
David studied Economics at UWA and while at University he joined both the Australian Labor Party and the Australian Republican Movement.
At 25 years old, David was voted in as the youngest Councillor the City of Stirling has ever had. He held that role for 12 years before being elected to State Parliament as the Member for Balcatta in March 2017, where he is currently the Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Ports; Road Safety; Minister assisting the Minister for Transport.
On council, David improved community facilities, upgraded parks and roads, delivered new footpaths and introduced a modern recycling system, all while keeping the City of Stirling debt free.
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