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Maylands Electorate Profile (2021)

About the Maylands Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Maylands electorate for the 2021 election

PDF version of the Maylands electorate map

PDF version of the East Metropolitan Region electorate map

Area (sq km): 21
Number of Electors: 29,731
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Origin of the Name:
The suburb of Maylands was developed in the 1890s around the railway line built through the area in the 1880s. The origin of the name is uncertain, but two possibilities have been suggested. One possible origin is that the name relates to the purchase of the land in the month of May by Mr E.W. Hamer, the other origin is that it was named by Mr Mephan Ferguson after his daughter, May. Ferguson ran an early business in the area.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
Bayswater *; Bedford; Embleton *; Inglewood *; Maylands *; Morley *
* = Suburb/Town split between more than one Electorate.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Legislative Council Region:
East Metropolitan

Local Governments within the Electorate:
City of Bayswater
City of Stirling

Government: Bayswater Primary School; Durham Road School; Embleton Primary School; Hillcrest Primary School; Inglewood Primary School; John Forrest Secondary College; Maylands Peninsula Primary School.

Other: Chisholm Catholic College; St Columba's School; St Peter's Primary School.

Local Newspapers:
  • Perth Voice
  • Guardian Express
  • Eastern Reporter

Statistical Profile of the Maylands Electorate

Current Member

Lisa Baker (ALP)

Lisa Baker was born in Perth and grew up living in what was then semi-rural Darlington in Perth's eastern hills region and attended the local Helena Primary School.

Lisa is Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Before entering Parliament she was Executive Director of the Western Australian Council of Social Services (WACOSS), worked in an executive position for the Ministry of Justice, was employed by several UN agencies, and served as a councillor on the Mundaring Shire Council.

As the representative for the electorate of Maylands in the State Parliament, Lisa is an advocate for improved public transport services for local village hubs and for increased supports for local businesses and jobs in her electorate.

Contact details and Speeches



Successive Members for the Maylands Electorate

Constituency created under the Redistribution of Seats 1929

Name Party Term
John Scaddan Nationalist 1930 - 1933
Robert Ernest Clothier Australian Labor Party 1933 - 1936
Harry Vivian Shearn Unendorsed Nationalist 1936 - 1951
Edward Peate Oldfield Liberal and Country League 1951b - 1956
John Mervin Toms Australian Labor Party 1956 - 1962
Edward Peate Oldfield Australian Labor Party 1962 - 1965
Robert James Percival Marshall Liberal and Country League 1965 - 1968
John Joseph Harman Australian Labor Party 1968 - 1986
Peter M'Callum Dowding Australian Labor Party 1986 - 1990
Dr Judith (Judy) Mary Edwards Australian Labor Party 1990b - 2008
Lisa Loraine Baker Australian Labor Party 2008 -

b = by-election
Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)