A call to action: increasing access to preventative mental health in the WA community |
Curtis White |
Christine Tonkin |
Addressing the struggles for youth mental health in regional Western Australia |
Will Harkins |
Kyle McGinn |
An argument for the greater inclusion of Asian business diasporas in WA-Asian trade policy: a case study of WA's Indian and Indonesian business diaspora communities |
Hannah Wilmshurst |
Yaz Mubarakai |
Murdoch |
An exploration of daylight saving time's ability to elicit financial benefit in Western Australia |
Zacharie Nichols-Lang |
Wilson Tucker |
Murdoch |
Avoiding wasted opportunities : developing lithium-ion battery recycling in Western Australia |
Cassandra Howell |
Hannah Beazley |
Bio-based biodegradable plastic packaging in Western Australia : opportunities and challenges |
Tyler Hudson |
Yaz Mubarakai |
Curtin |
Building resilience in young people with depression and anxiety. Using 'virtues in actions strengths into primary schools' as an education topic for primary school aged children |
Asher Gibbon |
Lisa Munday |
Climate change, water, and deficiencies in the policy paradigm for Southwest Western Australia |
Cole Macliver |
Peter Rundle |
Murdoch |
Coastal erosion in Scarborough, Trigg and North Beaches |
Marianna Vicente |
Stuart Aubrey |
Curtin |
Continuing care in WA : approaches to out of home care legislation and policy |
Shaun Earl |
Katrina Stratton |
Diversification of the Western Australian economy : opportunities and challenges for urban air mobility adoption |
Hui Yen Siaw |
Christine Tonkin |
Efficient, equitable, and achievable : replacing WA's stamp duty with a broad-based land tax |
Samuel Sibma |
Meredith Hammat |
Electoral reform - Labor's 120-year-old dream : a look at the Electoral Equality Bill in its broader context |
Maddy Bolger |
Pierre Yang |
Murdoch |
Evaluating youth mental health resources in regional Western Australia |
Mina Wallis |
Kyle McGinn |
Murdoch |
Fly-in fly-out and regional communities : identifying the benefits of supporting Western Australia's regions through social impact assessments |
Alicia Griffiths |
Kyle McGinn |
Murdoch |
Follow the red tape road : the opportunity for community engagement in the WA planning system |
Jacob Flynn |
Peter Foster |
Future transport opportunities : autonomous vehicles, trackless tram and car-sharing |
Claudia Buenhombre |
Emily Hamilton |
Curtin |
Geologically vs biologically stored carbon : reducing carbon emissions from Western Australia's liquified natural gas industry |
Caitlin Knight |
Geoff Baker |
Green hydrogen and the road to decarbonisation in Western Australia : green hydrogen challenges in the West Australian context |
Rachele Cardaci |
Darren West |
Manjimup crops : impacts and trends |
Elaine Neves Silveira Passos |
Paul Lilburne |
Curtin |
Post-pandemic housing market dynamics in the Warren-Blackwood electorate |
Kate Thompson |
Jane Kelsbie |
Preparing and planning for a greying countryside : mechanisms to champion more affordable living in Western Australia's regions |
Chantal Turner |
Jodie Hanns |
Reforestation and rewilding opportunities in Western Australia |
Aine Lorree Fuhrman |
Hugh Jones |
Curtin |
Small-medium enterprise and cybersecurity : an assessment of the Australian cybersecurity landscape |
Rosanna Maria Radici |
Emily Hamilton |
The COVID-19 pandemic and telemental health : lessons learned |
Mathilda Hunt |
Jagadish Krishnan |
The future of biodiversity offsets as a method for achieving no net loss/net gain of native vegetation in Western Australia |
Leonie Perovic |
Shelley Payne |
Curtin |
The golden years : an analysis of challenges to successful ageing in the Churchlands electorate |
Meghann Gallagher |
Christine Tonkin |
The mental health of youths living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Western Australia : a focus on suicide ideation, self-harm and the policy implications for government |
Sunee Quinn |
Dan Caddy |
WA's container deposit scheme : is it working and why? |
Jay Wood & Richard Storey |
Rebecca Stephens |
Curtin |
Water supply and drought preparedness, mitigation, and resilience |
Samuel Duggan |
Peter Rundle |
Youth in the Pilbara : what are the social benefits in empowering young people throughout the Pilbara through the provision of drop-in centres? |
Monique Williams |
Kevin Michel |
Murdoch |