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Parliamentary Research Program Reports

ECU - Edith Cowan University

UWA - University of Western Australia

2022 Reports

Title Author Member University
A systemic review into Australia's drinking landscape Brayden Scott Sophia Moermond ECU
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Western Australian Parliament: experiences of representation and the associated representational dilemmas Lola Williamson Alanna Clohesy Murdoch
Alternatives to the incarceration of offenders: focus on first nations people Jeremy Carlon Divina D'Anna Murdoch
An evaluation of family and domestic violence services in the Peel region William McLeod Lisa Munday Murdoch
Analysing available research on the experiences and impacts of women elected to the Western Australian Parliament 1983-1989 Isabella Lubcke Alanna Clohesy ECU
Can justice reinvestment models as undertaken in some overseas jurisdictions (e.g. Texas US) provide WA an effective model in which to both cut the cost of justice funding as well as reducing recidivism rates? Lara Burford Peter Foster Murdoch
Consider factors that incentivise and disincentivise the uptake of electric vehicles (EV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the associated policy implications for federal, state, and local governments Niresh Shrestha Christine Tonkin Curtin
Does the current WA policy framework support a move to renewable electricity generation through the SWIS by 2050? Angelina Bowden-Jones Geoff Baker Curtin
Free menstrual products in schools: student menstrual health and wellbeing Zoe Gannaway Katrina Stratton Murdoch
Government messaging to the CALD communities during the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for improvements in the strategic communications policy Raquel Eugenia Vieira Mendes Margaret Quirk Murdoch
High costs of living in 2022: analysing the impacts of increased costs of living in rural Australia David Immelsha Divina D'Anna Murdoch
Innovative state government supply-side solutions for mitigating WA's housing crisis: group build, inclusionary planning, and offsite construction Jarrad Slater Brad Pettitt Murdoch
Investigating the response to police perpetrated family violence and the strategies across Australia to mitigate the issue Daisy Bond Margaret Quirk Murdoch
Net zero pathways for Perth: metropolitan scale energy Scott Wills Brad Pettitt Curtin
Research alternative sanctions to custody using other jurisdictions for comparison Annabelle Miller Yaz Mubarakai ECU
Subdivision development and wildlife conservation: an examination of current subdivision development monitoring procedures Stephanie Hemsley Lisa Baker Murdoch
The dune stabilisation and revegetation techniques of Cambridge Coastcare Simon Lee Christine Tonkin Curtin
The inclusion of transwomen in women's sports: an analysis of the biological differences between the sexes and the role of testosterone in the body Courtney Corker Sophia Moermond ECU
The role of wave energy in decarbonising Albany's energy system Xiao Lan (Lucy) Wang Alannah MacTiernan UWA Albany
Working as intended? reviewing Western Australia's freedom of information system Steven Thiele Margaret Quirk Murdoch


2021 Reports

Title Author Member University
A call to action: increasing access to preventative mental health in the WA community Curtis White Christine Tonkin UWA
Addressing the struggles for youth mental health in regional Western Australia Will Harkins Kyle McGinn UWA
An argument for the greater inclusion of Asian business diasporas in WA-Asian trade policy: a case study of WA's Indian and Indonesian business diaspora communities Hannah Wilmshurst Yaz Mubarakai Murdoch
An exploration of daylight saving time's ability to elicit financial benefit in Western Australia Zacharie Nichols-Lang Wilson Tucker Murdoch
Avoiding wasted opportunities : developing lithium-ion battery recycling in Western Australia Cassandra Howell Hannah Beazley UWA
Bio-based biodegradable plastic packaging in Western Australia : opportunities and challenges Tyler Hudson Yaz Mubarakai Curtin
Building resilience in young people with depression and anxiety. Using 'virtues in actions strengths into primary schools' as an education topic for primary school aged children Asher Gibbon Lisa Munday ECU
Climate change, water, and deficiencies in the policy paradigm for Southwest Western Australia Cole Macliver Peter Rundle Murdoch
Coastal erosion in Scarborough, Trigg and North Beaches Marianna Vicente Stuart Aubrey Curtin
Continuing care in WA : approaches to out of home care legislation and policy Shaun Earl Katrina Stratton UWA
Diversification of the Western Australian economy : opportunities and challenges for urban air mobility adoption Hui Yen Siaw Christine Tonkin UWA
Efficient, equitable, and achievable : replacing WA's stamp duty with a broad-based land tax Samuel Sibma Meredith Hammat UWA
Electoral reform - Labor's 120-year-old dream : a look at the Electoral Equality Bill in its broader context Maddy Bolger Pierre Yang Murdoch
Evaluating youth mental health resources in regional Western Australia Mina Wallis Kyle McGinn Murdoch
Fly-in fly-out and regional communities : identifying the benefits of supporting Western Australia's regions through social impact assessments Alicia Griffiths Kyle McGinn Murdoch
Follow the red tape road : the opportunity for community engagement in the WA planning system Jacob Flynn Peter Foster UWA
Future transport opportunities : autonomous vehicles, trackless tram and car-sharing Claudia Buenhombre Emily Hamilton Curtin
Geologically vs biologically stored carbon : reducing carbon emissions from Western Australia's liquified natural gas industry Caitlin Knight Geoff Baker UWA
Green hydrogen and the road to decarbonisation in Western Australia : green hydrogen challenges in the West Australian context Rachele Cardaci Darren West UWA
Manjimup crops : impacts and trends Elaine Neves Silveira Passos Paul Lilburne Curtin
Post-pandemic housing market dynamics in the Warren-Blackwood electorate Kate Thompson Jane Kelsbie UWA
Preparing and planning for a greying countryside : mechanisms to champion more affordable living in Western Australia's regions Chantal Turner Jodie Hanns UWA
Reforestation and rewilding opportunities in Western Australia Aine Lorree Fuhrman Hugh Jones Curtin
Small-medium enterprise and cybersecurity : an assessment of the Australian cybersecurity landscape Rosanna Maria Radici Emily Hamilton UWA
The COVID-19 pandemic and telemental health : lessons learned Mathilda Hunt Jagadish Krishnan UWA
The future of biodiversity offsets as a method for achieving no net loss/net gain of native vegetation in Western Australia Leonie Perovic Shelley Payne Curtin
The golden years : an analysis of challenges to successful ageing in the Churchlands electorate Meghann Gallagher Christine Tonkin UWA
The mental health of youths living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Western Australia : a focus on suicide ideation, self-harm and the policy implications for government Sunee Quinn Dan Caddy UWA
WA's container deposit scheme : is it working and why? Jay Wood & Richard Storey Rebecca Stephens Curtin
Water supply and drought preparedness, mitigation, and resilience Samuel Duggan Peter Rundle ECU
Youth in the Pilbara : what are the social benefits in empowering young people throughout the Pilbara through the provision of drop-in centres? Monique Williams Kevin Michel Murdoch


2020 Reports

Title Author Member University
The 2017 WA Labor local project local jobs program : assessing the social and economic benefits in Southern River Emily Comber Terry Healy UWA
Alternatives to improve household waste management through technologies and financial incentives : a rapid review Ana María Cáceres Ruiz Hon Stephen Dawson Curtin
Analysis of the online news coverage of the voluntary assisted dying debate in Western Australia Katie Jane Rose Clark Hon Tony Buti UWA
Carbon farming Brianna Melville Darren West ECU
Changing times : how METRONET can succeed David Adams Terry Healy UWA
Community and place satisfaction : quality of life in Joondalup Olivia Riches Emily Hamilton UWA
Constructing, shaping and enriching a local community Madeleine Turner Emily Hamilton ECU
Cycling infrastructure in the Perth CBD : local economic and social benefits Justin A. Ghosh Hon John Carey UWA
Development of regional employment : strategies on attracting and retaining essential services workers in the Goldfields-Esperance region Jesceline Inah Grace Requiero Kyran O'Donnell ECU
The discrepancy in indigenous incarceration rates in Western Australia : the legal perspective: review of, and alternative to, Western Australian mandatory sentencing laws Diane Hall Yaz Mubarakai ECU
Dog Act 1976 Amendment (Stop Puppy Farming) Bill 2020 : comparison of legislation in Western Australia and England Amber Baker Lisa Baker Murdoch
Drugs, crime and the risk of recidivism : examining these links and the effectiveness of imprisonment versus community treatments Mikaela Piastrella Hon Fran Logan Murdoch
Facebook community groups and their effectiveness with respect to community safety : analysis of how authorities in various jurisdictions oversee, police and prevent harmful behaviour such as racism and vigilantism arising in these communities Tanya Brits Janine Freeman Murdoch
From CBD-centric cities to polycentric cities : maximising the development of METRONET Luke Derrick Terry Healy Murdoch
Has racism and discrimination increased during the COVID-19 crisis in the Mirrabooka electorate and its surrounding diverse suburbs? Isabel Ong Janine Freeman Murdoch
How energy efficient are houses built in Western Australia Jennifer A. King Jessica Stojkovski Murdoch
How is the Western Australia state and local policy framework impacting urban canopy in Greater Perth? : A review of the competing priorities that effect urban canopy loss in Greater Perth, comparative to a Melbourne case study Victoria Bushell Simon Millman UWA
Investigate whether discrimination and racism increased during the COVID-19 crisis in the Mirrabooka electorate and surrounding diverse suburbs Emily Hemingway Janine Freeman Murdoch
Investigating the City of Wanneroo : a case study in waste and resource recovery Madeline Ayoub Margaret Quirk Curtin
Investigating the liveability of the Joondalup electorate : an assessment into access and quality of public open space Alexandra Teasdale Emily Hamilton UWA
It's not a drop to drink : the quality and impact of drinking water in Western Australian remote Aboriginal communities Stella Michelle Duchar Robin Scott UWA
Keeping the leaves in our leafy suburbs : a review of Western Australian local government tree policies and their enforcement on both public and private land Mireille Christie Simon Millman UWA
Legal research paper : regional fuel pricing disparity between regional and metro WA Jason Smith Kyran O'Donnell ECU
Looking for networks : improving regional connectivity and the innovative capacity of small and medium enterprises in regional Western Australia Demi Bradford Ian Blayney UWA


2019 Reports

Title Author Member University
Agriculture in education : how schools can provide a better future for our primary industries Julian Ledger Mia Davies Curtin
Alternative frameworks to determining the benefits from local events : research report David Daniel David Honey Murdoch
An analysis on whether to increase, decrease or maintain the age of criminal responsibility Amy Bradley Kyran O'Donnell University of Notre Dame
The ANZAC legend : is a reinterpretation necessary for a modern Australia? Matthew Housham Alyssa Hayden Murdoch
Automation in the Western Australian mining industry : how automation will change employment and the wider societal impact Tenille Lazenby Kyle McGinn UWA
Beyond the passenger terminal : the social and economic impacts of Australian regional airports - a regional development perspective Rebecca Holliday Libby Mettam UWA
Climate change and farming in WA : farmers' understanding of climate change and its impact on food security Segolene King Lisa Baker ECU
Debt agreements : improving the debt elimination process in Australia Danielle Miles Lisa Baker UWA
Examination of desalination plants including operations and functions within Western Australia Luke Harris Robin Scott ECU
Grand carers within the child welfare system : major policy problems and necessary reform Liam Bradley McKenzie Tjorn Sibma UWA
Help wanted : addressing unemployment among culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) youth in Western Australia Clea Sanders Margaret Qurik UWA
The hidden value of rare disease research : rare disease research funding in Western Australia Anneliese Ng Matthew Swinbourn UWA
The impact of public places on youth civic engagement : an evaluation of emerging suburbs in Perth's south-east metropolitan area Greta Hays Yaz Mubarakai UWA
Imprisonment for fine default : an analysis of the curent statutory regime and proposed reforms in Western Australia Alicia Nowak Alison Xamon ECU
Increasing ridership, the Thornlie to Cockburn railway link Katie Koranda Yaz Mubarakai Murdoch
Industrial manslaughter laws in Australian and international jurisdictions Richard Garrad Simon Millman ECU
Is the only way up? A review into the impacts of urban densification Jay Wood David Honey Murdoch
Juvenile crime, mental health and the juvenile justice system Bianca Lee Kyran O'Donnell Murdoch
Outside school hours care service: after-school care for children and young people in Perth Nang Nilar Tun Alyssa Hayden Murdoch
Palliative care delivered state-wide for Western Australians Colleen Rebelo Mia Davies Murdoch
Parliamentary report on mutual collaboration between schools and universities Bayley Underwood Simon Millman ECU
Reducing the cost of family and domestic violence in regional, rural and remote communities : the case for prevention and early intervention Eloise Munro Kyle McGinn UWA
A review of regional funding in Western Australia from the 2016/17 and 2019/20 state budgets Kate Purnell Ian Blayney ECU
Urban stormwater in Perth : strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for future management Rueben Williams Diane Evers Murdoch
Ways to reduce red tape for small businesses in WA considering what has been done in other jurisdictions Felicity Townsend Libby Mettam Murdoch


2018 Reports

Title Author Member University
Accessibility and inclusion in Parliament for the hearing impaired Eloisa Gye Janine Freeman UWA
Bin system comparison report: an environmental and economical comparison of the 2-bin, 3-bin and FOGO bin systems for Western Australia Aimee Martin Stephen Dawson Curtin
Compulsory regional internships for Western Australian medical postgraduates Georgia Eagleton Kevin Michel UWA
Culturally and linguistically diverse students in Mirrabooka : transitioning from school to work Oliver Hoare Janine Freeman UWA
Departmental development : lessons from the past Georgia Ditchburn Martin Aldridge UWA
Engaging with innovative start-ups & early stage small-medium sized enterprises in Western Australia Jordan Hogan Dave Kelly ECU
Evaluating the effectiveness of the research, development and extension system in Western Australia : a comparative analysis Renu Anna Mathai Ian Blayney Murdoch
Free public transport  /  Sean Dondas Sean Dondas Tim Clifford Murdoch
High insurance fees in the Pilbara region : what are the causes and how can they be reduced? Joti Saini Kevin Michel UWA
How to optimise tourism in order to attract increased interstate and overseas tourism to Perth Hills and surrounds Aleksa Kovacevic Jessica Shaw UWA
Identification of new and emerging markets for recyclable plastics materials in Western Australia : research report Stephanie Murphy Stephen Dawson ECU
Issues facing small businesses in Perth's northern suburbs Lori McMillan Tjorn Sibma ECU
MRI in Kalgoorlie Rhiannon Fraser Robin Scott ECU
Need vs. deed : balancing the needs of the child against offending behaviour: a prescriptive paper examining the arguments for and against raising the age of criminal responsibility in Western Australia Kelly Bates Alison Xamon ECU
One vote one value : should the Legislative Council adopt one vote one value in Western Australia? Sean Mclaughlin Pierre Yang Murdoch
A pipeline from the Kimberley to the Perth metropolitan area Marsha Pradeep Robin Scott UWA
Reducing youth crime in Western Australia : addressing FASD, domestic violence and substance abuse Zac Bosnakis Kyran O'Donnel UWA
Regional airfares in WA : a multifaceted issue Grace Bott Kevin Michel UWA
Regulatory capture in the greyhound racing industry of Western Australia : a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the integrity and regulatory functions Sarah Myers Lisa Baker UWA
Responding to homelessness in Perth, Western Australia Jaiden Coonan Tim Clifford Murdoch
Stakeholder partnerships in urban planning : strategies to improve collaborative processes in urban planning projects and transport initiatives Stephanie Marie Plumb Yaz Mubarakai Murdoch
Successful densification in suburbs : critical contributing factors for successful densification in suburbs Reece Hollett Jessica Stojkovski ECU
The use and abuse of labour hire in Western Australia : is it time for WA to follow in the footsteps of South Australia, Queensland and Victoria and introduce a mandatory labour hire licensing scheme? Daniel English Matthew Swinbourn University of Notre Dame
Veteran unemployment in Western Australia Claire Mead Tjorn Sibma UWA
Victims of the system : an analysis and proposal for culturally appropriate diversion programs in Western Australia Roshni Kaila Charles Smith UWA
Voting equality in Western Australia's Legislative Council, a pipe dream or an inevitable step in the democratisation of our Upper House? Callum Murray Matthew Swinbourn UWA
Women in Parliament : barriers and pathways to greater female representation Chelsea Lee Martin Aldridge Murdoch
Young people and image based abuse - a comparative review of regulatory responses and challenges from Australia, the UK, USA and Canada : lessons for Western Australia Rikki Archibald Alison Xamon ECU