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Mr Martin Whitely MLA

BCom, DipEd

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Former Member for Bassendean
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-Sixth Parliament for Roleystone on 1 February 2001 in succession to Frederick Charles Tubby (defeated). Electorate abolished in the redistribution of 2005. Elected to the Thirty-Seventh Parliament for Bassendean in succession to Clive Morris Brown (retired) on 26 February 2005. Re-elected 2008. Did not contest the general election of 9 March 2013.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; the Mid West and Wheatbelt from 27 June 2006 to 2 March 2007.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Resources and Assisting the Minister for State Development; Employment Protection; Goldfields-Esperance and Great Southern (with respect to Resources and Assisting Minister for State Development; Employment Protection only) from 27 June 2006 to 19 December 2006.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Energy; Resources; Industry and Enterprise (with respect to Resources only) from 19 December 2006 to 11 April 2007.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; the Mid West and Wheatbelt; Great Southern (with respect to Agriculture and Food; Forestry; the Mid West and Wheatbelt only) from 11 April 2007 to 23 September 2008.

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Government Whip from 29 March 2005 to 29 August 2006.

Standing Committees

Member Public Accounts Committee from 30 May 2001 to 25 May 2005.
Member Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation from 14 August 2003 to 23 January 2005.
Member Education and Health Standing Committee from 7 April 2005 to 7 August 2008.
Member Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People from 26 November 2008 to 30 January 2013. (Deputy Chairman from 10 December 2008).



19 October 1959, Perth Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament

BCom, DipEd. School Teacher.


The electorate of Bassendean is located in the East Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs/towns of Ashfield, Bassendean, Eden Hill, Kiara, Lockridge and parts of Bayswater, Beechboro and Morley.
Enrolment (26 February 2007) 22,390; area: 21 sq km