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Hon. Colin James Holt MLC

BSc (Zoology)

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

HOLT, Hon. Colin, MLC
Member for South West Region
The Nationals WA


Elected to the Thirty-eighth Parliament for the South West Region on 6 September 2008 (for the term commencing on 22 May 2009). Re-elected 2013, 2017, for the terms commencing 22 May. Retired May 2021.

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Chair of Committees: 21 June 2011 - 21 May 2013.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development; Water; Forestry: 21 March 2013 - 11 December 2013.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Regional Development; Lands; Minister assisting the Minister for State Development: 11 December 2013 - 8 December 2014.
Minister for Housing; Racing and Gaming: 8 December 2014 - 15 August 2016.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Housing; Racing and Gaming; and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Water; Sport and Recreation; Forestry: 15 August 2016 - 17 March 2017.

Standing Committees

Member, Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs: 4 June 2009 - 21 May 2013.
Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges: 21 June 2011 - 6 March 2012.
Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges: 22 May 2013 - 16 December 2014.
Deputy Chair, Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs: 23 May 2017 - 21 May 2021.

Select Committees

Member, Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices: 23 August 2017 - 23 August 2018.



Born 31 August 1963, Goomalling, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Occupation before entering Parliament and Qualifications

Community Development Consultant.
Bachelor of Science (Zoology)

South West Region covers eight districts, Albany, Bunbury, Collie-Preston, Dawesville, Mandurah, Murray-Wellington, Vasse and Warren-Blackwood.