Bill No. |
97 |
Long Title |
The purpose of this Bill is -
to increase the maximum payable under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 to $75,000; to provide that, where there are offences against a number of people, each of those people or their personal representatives can make a claim and have it determined; to allow anyone whose claim has been assessed by the Assessor since 1 July 1997 the ability to make a written request of the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation to make a fresh determination of their claim in the light of the new statutory provisions. |
Private Members Bill introduced by Hon. James Andrew McGinty, B.A., B.Juris. (Hons), LL.B., JP MLA |
Status |
Reinstated to the stage reached in the previous Session 08/12/1998
This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent
Current Bill |
Links |
Previous Versions of this Bill |