Bill No. |
173 |
Long Title |
The purpose of this Bill is to amend the Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Act 1998 to clarify certain provisions of the Act and to give effect to matters dealt with by a proposed change to the National Third Party Access Code for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems. The Bill clarifies the time at which the right of appeal arises, expands appeal rights, streamlines procedures for the classification of pipelines and makes necessary consequential changes. |
Status |
Assented to 06/30/2003
Royal Assent given 30 Jun 2003 as Act No. 42 of 2003. Different sections of this Act come into operation on Royal Assent and Proclamation. For details refer to Commencement Clause of the Bill (see also Assent and Commencement information for Acts)
Current Bill |
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