Bill No. |
077 |
Long Title |
This Bill gives effect to the Government's decision to raise the school leaving age and at the same time ensures that there is legislative provision for the broadest possible range of participation options for the young people affected by the raised age. The Bill also provides for a database of student records which will ensure that accurate information on young people's participation in education, training and employment is maintained from the eight to the twelfth years of the extended compulsory education period. The Bill seeks to achieve these three objectives through amendments to the School Education Act 1999 and the Curriculum Council Act 1997. |
Status |
Assented to 11/18/2005
Royal Assent given 18 Nov 2005 as Act No. 22 of 2005. For details refer to the Commencement Clause of the Bill (see also Assent and Commencement information for Acts)
Current Bill |
Links |
Previous Versions of this Bill |