Question Without Notice No. 392 asked in the Legislative Council on 5 May 2009 by Hon Kate Doust
Parliament: 38 Session: 1
bedford youth hostel — demolition
392. Hon KATE DOUST to the Minister for Child Protection:
I refer to the Bedford EAS site.
(1) Is the fire-gutted former youth hostel building to be demolished?
(2) If yes, when?
(3) If no to (1), why not?
(4) Will a new youth hostel be built on this site?
(5) If yes to (4), when will work begin?
(6) If no to (4), why not?
Hon ROBYN McSWEENEY replied:
I thank the honourable member for the question.
(1)-(6) The Bedford fire was a terrible thing. It was very fortunate that nobody was hurt in that fire. The former hostel will be demolished and there will not be another hostel built on that site. It is the view of the Department for Child Protection and me that we will move children into four-bed hostels. That is a better system than the old style of hostel. There was some talk about the Disability Services Commission buying that site. I cannot confirm that, but I am happy to provide the member with an answer at a later date.