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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 5092 asked in the Legislative Council on 1 December 2011 by Hon Lynn Maclaren

Question Directed to the: Minister for Mental Health representing the Minister for Health
Parliament: 38 Session: 1

I refer to the media statement entitled Minister sets direction for future delivery of cardiothoracic surgery released by the Minister for Health on 6 May 2011, and ask -
(1) Will the Minister honour his commitment to appoint a new director to be based at Fiona Stanley Hospital, to co-ordinate and manage the cardiothoracic services provided at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital?

(2) If no to (1), why does the Minister no longer strongly believe, having considered all options, that ‘this is the best possible outcome for the people of Western Australia’?

(3) Will the Minister honour his commitment that cardiothoracic surgery presently delivered from Fremantle Hospital will be moved to Fiona Stanley Hospital once construction is complete?

(4) Does the Minister still consider that making an early decision regarding the future delivery of cardiothoracic surgery provides ‘certainty to staff working in this field about their future employment and the location of their services’?

(5) Does the Minister agree that changing that decision -

(a) will cause uncertainty to staff about their future employment and location of their services; and

(b) will cause uncertainty and disappointment for approximately half a million people living in the South Metropolitan Region who have been led to believe that Fiona Stanley Hospital will provide a comprehensive cardiothoracic surgery service?

Answered on 15 May 2012

As at 24 April 2012

(1 - 2) Discussions are ongoing to ensure the best possible outcomes for the people of Western Australia.

(3) No decision has yet been made. Until advised further, the Clinical Services Framework 2010?2020 applies.

(4) Yes, the Department of Health's Clinical Services Framework 2010-2020, published in 2009 is freely available through the Department of Health's Website. It provides detailed information about future employment opportunities and the location of services.

(5a - b) Not applicable.
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