Recent Sitting Broadcasts

Welcome to the most recent broadcasts of the sittings of the Legislative Assembly.

Streaming: Click a video link to the right to stream each sitting period (e.g. morning, afternoon or evening). Accessing a file in this way allows you to view the video as it "streams" to your computer.

Downloading: To download a video, right-click the link and select "Save target as" for Internet Explorer or "Save link as" for Mozilla Firefox. This will allow the video to be fast-forwarded or the progress cursor to be moved to future points within the video. Please be aware of file sizes if downloading videos.

Availability: This page displays only the most recent recordings of the Legislative Assembly. It is not intended to comprise an ongoing historical archive. Recordings of the chamber broadcast will be available on this page at 7AM the morning after the sitting day. Although every effort will be made to provide the recordings, if due to unforeseen technical issues, a recording is unavailable, it will be identified as such.

Terms of Use: Recordings of the broadcasts are made available subject to certain conditions set down by the Presiding Officers. These recordings must not be used for:

  • political party advertising
  • commercial advertising
  • election campaigns
  • satire, ridicule or denigration.