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Tabled Papers

Petitions Tabled in the Legislative Council

The following petitions have been tabled in the Legislative Council.

Paper #PetitionTabled By
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28-Nov3902Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forest by South32 — Requests the Legislative Council call for a halt to further mining activities by South 32 in the Northern Jarrah Forest and investigate the negative impacts to local communities, surrounding agricultural land, listed cultural heritage sites and introduce a comprehensive recovery plan to protect the endangered Quindanning Spider Orchid (1049 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
28-Nov3903Perth Cultural Centre Wetlands — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government investigate options for retaining and incorporating the existing wetlands in the Perth Cultural Centre or support the establishment of an equivalent wetland or green space as part of the Perth Cultural Centre redevelopment (618 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
28-Nov3904Perth Cultural Centre Wetlands — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government investigate options for retaining and incorporating the existing wetlands in the Perth Cultural Centre or support the establishment of an equivalent wetland or green space as part of the Perth Cultural centre redevelopment (133 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
28-Nov3905Aboriginal Language Legislation — Requests the Legislative Council acknowledge the 85 First Nations languages in Western Australia and support the protection of these languages under State legislation to ensure their healthy continuation into the future (444 signatures)Hon Kyle McGinn
28-Nov3906Alternative to Welcome to Country — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Premier to consider an alternative statement which is inclusive of all Australians (32 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
27-Nov3882South Coast Marine Park — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government acknowledge the devastating impact the planned South Coast Marine Park will have on commercial fisheries and the tourism industry from Eucla in the East through to Bremer Bay in the West (245 signatures)Hon Steve Martin
27-Nov3883Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forest by South 32 — Requests the Legislative Council call for a halt to further mining activities by South 32 in the Northern Jarrah Forest and investigate the negative impacts to local communities, surrounding agricultural land, listed cultural heritage sites and introduce a comprehensive recovery plan to protect the endangered Quindanning Spider Orchid (964 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
27-Nov3884Connector Road through Churchlands Bushland — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government to reject the proposal and protect and preserve this bushland for the benefit of all and future generations (878 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
27-Nov3885Connector Road through Churchlands Bushland — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government to reject the proposal and protect and preserve this bushland for the benefit of all and future generations (512 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
26-Nov3861Housing and homelessness in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government to declare a State of Emergency on housing and homelessness in Western Australia, to introduce urgent measures to address housing shortages and develop long-term strategies (201 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
26-Nov3862Alcoa refineries and mining activities in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council support a parliamentary investigation into the air and water pollution from the refineries, structural integrity of the Alcoa “toxic tailings dams” walls and deforestation of the native Jarrah Forest (894 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
26-Nov3863Alcoa refineries and mining activities in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council support a parliamentary investigation into the air and water pollution from the refineries, structural integrity of the Alcoa “toxic tailings dams” walls and deforestation of the native Jarrah Forest (201 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
26-Nov3864Emergency service volunteers — Requests the Legislative Council recommend that the State Government ensures that Western Australia’s 30,000 fire and emergency service volunteers, including ambulance volunteers, receive comparable protections to those in paid employment, undertaking the same functions (648 signatures)Hon Louise Kingston
26-Nov3865Emergency service volunteers — Requests the Legislative Council recommend that the State Government ensures that Western Australia’s 30,000 fire and emergency service volunteers, including ambulance volunteers, receive comparable protections to those in paid employment, undertaking the same functions (369 signatures)Hon Louise Kingston
14-Nov3827Inaccurate Register of Titles impacting property rights — Requests the Legislative Council conduct an inquiry into the irregularities in the Register of Titles, make recommendations for their rectification and provision of suitable redress for those impacted (1 signature)Hon Nick Goiran
07-Nov3795Support the return of Port Hedland to Bali flights — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government to financially assist the return of these flights as it would benefit the Pilbara region (136 signature)Hon Peter Foster
06-Nov3789Dolphin Discovery Centre Inquiry — Requests the Legislative Council to conduct an inquiry into the practices and management of the Dolphin Discovery Centre, the reason why the Centre has entered administration despite numerous grants, Covid relief packages and upgrades (248 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
06-Nov3790Explicit books available to children in schools and libraries — Requests the Legislative Council establish an enquiry to clarify who has the responsibility for approving these books, ascertain if any regulations currently exist and whether making these materials available to children is a violation of the existing criminal code (1155 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
05-Nov3778Expansion of Mindarie Senior College — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Western Australian State Government to support the expansion of Mindarie Senior College to include Years 7 – 10 to cater to community demand in the local catchment area for public schooling that provides ATAR program pathways (321 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
05-Nov3779Impact on Western Australian Farmers due to Labor’s sheep trade ban — Requests the Legislative Council conduct a public inquiry into the impact that this ban is already having on individuals and the Western Australian economy (490 signatures)Hon Dr Steve Thomas
05-Nov3780Urgent action on Shot Hole Borer to save our trees — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government to take immediate action to eradicate this pest from Western Australia; specifically, by collaborating closely with local authorities, community groups, and professionals such as arborists to expedite response times where trees are infected, enable research specific to Western Australia and increase public awareness (181 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
05-Nov3781Implementing a robust system of accountability for healthcare professionals — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government take immediate action to protect the public and ensure that healthcare providers are held to the highest standards of accountability (122 signatures)Hon Martin Pritchard
05-Nov3782Get Ramsay Health Care out of Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government cancel the 15-year contract with Ramsay Health Care to run the Joondalup Health Campus and conduct a thorough and independent investigation into the professional conduct of medical staff (85 signatures)Hon Martin Pritchard
24-Oct3745Woodvale Secondary College Performing Art Centre — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government to provide funding for Woodvale Secondary College Performing Arts Centre in the next term of Government (818 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
23-Oct3732Failing road infrastructure in the Mid-West — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government immediately upgrade road infrastructure in the Mid-West for the safety of all road users, work with stakeholders to increase freight on rail to reduce heavy vehicle movement and develop a long-term freight strategy for Mid-West roads to ensure any increase in heavy vehicle movement is undertaken on roads which are fit for purpose (287 signatures) Hon Martin Aldridge
22-Oct3725Declining penguin population on Penguin Island — Requests the Legislative Council conduct a public inquiry into the issues affecting penguins on Penguin Island and urge the Government take immediate action to reverse the decline of the Little Penguin population (910 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
16-Oct3696Soundwall for Bateman — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government direct Main Roads WA to install a sound wall along the eastern boundary of George Welby Park in Bateman (105 signatures)Hon Tjorn Sibma
16-Oct3697Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment 1421 (Brabham and Dayton Precincts) — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Minister for Planning to retain Lot 94 — Isoodon Street, Brabham, and rezone the southern portion of Lot 600. Amalgamate the two parcels of land, and confer a designation of ‘Bush Forever’ upon them to facilitate the establishment of an ecological linkage between Bush Forever 200 and Bush Forever 204 within Whiteman Park (492 signatures)Hon Donna Faragher
16-Oct3698Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment 1421 (Brabham and Dayton Precincts) — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Minister for Planning to retain Lot 94 — Isoodon Street, Brabham, and rezone the southern portion of Lot 600. Amalgamate the two parcels of land, and confer a designation of ‘Bush Forever’ upon them to facilitate the establishment of an ecological linkage between Bush Forever 200 and Bush Forever 204 within Whiteman Park (210 signatures)Hon Donna Faragher
15-Oct3671Phasing out Greyhound Racing in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the State Government establish a WA Greyhound Welfare Unit to oversee racing greyhound welfare, implement a three-year phase out plan to end racing by 2028, and assist industry participants in reskilling and rehoming all greyhounds by the end of the phase out (12,134 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
15-Oct3672Phasing out Greyhound Racing in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the State Government set a WA Greyhound Welfare Unit to oversee racing greyhound welfare, implement a three-year phase out plan to end racing by 2028, and assist industry participants in reskilling and rehoming all greyhounds by the end of the phase out (14,829 signatures)Hon Dan Caddy
15-Oct3673Private property rights — Requests the Legislative Council refer the Queens Gardens Car Park (Inner City School) Bill 2024 to the Standing Committee on Legislation for an inquiry (4287 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
18-Sep3538Justice for Stacey Thorne — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government conduct a comprehensive independent investigation into the murder of Stacey Thorne (25 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
18-Sep3539Justice for Stacey Thorne — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government conduct a comprehensive independent investigation into the murder of Stacey Thorne (52 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
17-Sep3496Missing persons in the North West — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government conduct a comprehensive investigation into missing indigenous persons from the Kimberly and Mid-West areas; and take immediate action to improve the procedures and classifications related to missing persons in Western Australia (815 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
17-Sep3497Missing persons in the North West — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Government conduct a comprehensive investigation into missing indigenous persons from the Kimberly and Mid-West areas; and take immediate action to improve the procedures and classifications related to missing persons in Western Australia (875 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
17-Sep3498Crime in state housing neighbourhoods —Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government acknowledge escalating crime and antisocial behaviour in public housing neighbourhoods (989 signatures)Hon Steve Martin
17-Sep3499State planning system and abolition of political donations from developers — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government introduce urgent reforms to schemes and processes involved with planning applications determined by the Development Assessment Panels; and improve transparency and reduce influence of developers in public policies and decision-making (992 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
17-Sep3500IPLEX water pipes in homes — Requests the Legislative Council urge the Government find a resolution to water, property damages; and electrical issues, caused by IPLEX Polybutylene water pipes installed between mid-1990s to 2022 in Western Australian homes (1604 signatures)Hon Martin Pritchard
11-Sep3464Kalgoorlie-Boulder power reliability — Requests the Legislative Council to conduct an independent inquiry into the power blackouts of 2022, the fairness of compensation provided by the Government to businesses and individuals affected by the blackouts and the unreliability of power within Kalgoorlie-Boulder (352 signatures)Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health
10-Sep3420Glen Iris Golf Course Jandakot — Requests the Legislative Council to conduct a public inquiry into the accountability and transparency of Government decisions that led to the closure of the Glen Iris Golf Course in Jandakot and the establishment of residential blocks on the site (348 signatures)Hon Nick Goiran
21-Aug3394Water licences and the sale of water in the Lennard Brook Area — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Shire of Gingin and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to investigate (75 signatures)Hon Martin Aldridge
20-Aug3392Stopping Offshore Wind Farms in Geographe Bay — Requests the Legislative Council to support (887 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
13-Aug3360Keep the Horizontal Waterfalls Open to Everyone — Requests the Legislative Council to support (7732 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
13-Aug3361Calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the treatment of children suffering from gender dysphoria — Requests the Legislative Council to support (3249 signatures)Hon Dr Brian Walker
13-Aug3362Reforms for tiny houses and caravans — Requests the Legislative Council to support (224 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
13-Aug3363Commercial groundwater abstraction in the Perth Hills — Requests the Legislative Council recommend the Environment and Public Affairs Committee launch an inquiry (809 signatures)Hon Sophia Moermond
13-Aug3364Headspace WA — Requests the Legislative Council conduct an inquiry into the funding of, services, courses and information provided by Headspace WA (169 signatures)Hon Sophia Moermond
13-Aug3365Windfarms in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council to oppose (1350 signatures)Hon Sophia Moermond
19-Jun3257Boddington Hospital — Requests the Legislative Council to urge the State Government to re-open 5 beds at Boddington Hospital for the purpose of permanent residential care and open 3 beds for respite for our valued elderly citizens (1107 signatures)Hon Steve Martin
19-Jun3258Reclassification of Julimar State Forest to give it National Park Status — Requests the Legislative Council to support (2378 signatures)Hon Darren West
13-Jun3231South Coast Marine Park — Requests the Legislative Council to undertake a Parliamentary Inquiry to investigate the planning process for the establishment of the South Coast Marine Park (SCMP) (1674 signatures)Hon Colin de Grussa
13-Jun3232South Coast Marine Park — Requests the Legislative Council to undertake a Parliamentary Inquiry to investigate the planning process for the establishment of the South Coast Marine Park (SCMP) (4186 signatures)Hon Colin de Grussa
30-May3192Regional Crime — Enough is Enough — Requests that the Legislative Council support immediate and urgent steps to curb growing antisocial and criminal behaviour affecting our regional communities (928 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
28-May3177Boddington Hospital — Requests the Legislative Council to urge the State Government to re-open 5 beds at Boddington Hospital for the purpose of permanent residential care and open 3 beds for respite for our valued elderly citizens (1706 signatures)Hon Steve Martin
28-May3178Protect the rights of Biological Females — Requests the Legislative Council to refer the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Sex or Gender Changes) Bill 2024 to the Standing Committee on Legislation for a public inquiry to ensure this right is protected rather than undermined or destroyed (8828 signatures)Hon Nick Goiran
15-May3150Protect Entrance Point Reef in Broome, from the Proposed Floating Wharf and its infrastructure — Requests the Legislative Council to support (516 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
14-May3140Pollution from the Alcoa Pinjarra Alumina Refinery — Requests the Legislative Council to support an inquiry into the impacts from the windblown toxic red dust emanating from the Alcoa refinery and mud-lakes at Pinjarra (715 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
07-May3120Parliamentary Inquiry into the Department of Justice (Corrective Services WA) including Bunbury Regional Prison — Requests the Legislative Council to support (148 signature)Hon Peter Collier
07-May3121Firearms Bill 2024 — Requests the Legislative Council to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Legislation for a public inquiry into the policy of the Bill to assess its impact on the rights and liberties of law-abiding Western Australians and its efficacy at tackling those with a history of showing disregard to the laws of our State (32234 signatures)Hon Nick Goiran
07-May3122Equity in enrolment to learning of Second Language courses in WA secondary schools — Requests the Legislative Council to urge the Western Australian Government to remove the Use of Language criterion as one of the criteria for permission to enrol in a Second Languages course (1420 signatures)Hon Pierre Yang
18-Apr3083Medical defence for medicinal cannabis users who drive — Requests the Legislative Council to support impairment testing by the Western Australian Police Force on people who test positive for THC in a roadside drug test and in possession of a medicinal cannabis script – and for those who pass an impairment test to not be charged with a drug-driving offence (243 signatures)Hon Sophia Moermond
17-Apr3078Request a moratorium on all lethal dingo controls and undertake an investigation into the adoption of non-lethal tools — Requests the Legislative Council to support (194 signatures)Hon Kate Doust
17-Apr3079Unacceptable road intersection changes in Rossmoyne — Requests the Legislative Council to inquire into this issue as a matter of urgency for the purpose of recommending the intersection be retained and that a review be commissioned (927 signatures)Hon Nick Goiran
21-Mar3039Re-instating roadside impairment testing by WAPOL — Requests the Legislative Council to support the re-instatement of formal training and implementation of roadside impairment testing by the Western Australian Police Force (31 signatures)Hon Sophia Moermond
13-Mar3006Reverse Ban on Live Sheep Export — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government to take decisive action to reverse the Federal Government’s proposed ban on live export of sheep and re-establish those lost markets (90 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
13-Mar3007Giving Young People a Voice — Requests the Legislative Council urge the State Government to amend the Electoral Act 1907 (WA) to enable persons to vote in state elections once they reach the age of 16 (15 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
13-Mar3008Call for WA Covid Policy Response Inquiry — Requests the Legislative Council establish an inquiry into State Government’s COVID policies (971 signatures)Hon Ben Dawkins
12-Mar3001Urgent call for insurance Stamp Duty Reform in Western Australia — Requests the Legislative Council establish a Standing Committee to review recommendations from Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and recommend a strategy to reduce or remove Stamp Duty on insurance (437 signatures)Hon Neil Thomson
12-Mar3002End no grounds eviction, and give renters a fair go — Requests the Legislative Council to urge the premier and the Minister for Commerce to remove no grounds evictions from the Residential Tenancies Act (WA) 1987 (205 signatures)Hon Wilson Tucker
28-Feb2984Protection of Bushland at Erindale Road Hamersley — Requests the Legislative Council to recommend the Government to protect the bushland at Lots 802, 803 and Lot 1, 179 Erindale Road Hamersley (3437 signatures)Hon Ayor Makur Chuot
27-Feb2973Reclassification of Julimar State Forest to give it national park status — Requests the Legislative Council to support (2819 signatures)Hon Darren West
27-Feb2974Additional bus for school students from Brunswick to Harvey Senior High School — Requests the Legislative Council to support (8 signatures)Hon Dr Steve Thomas
27-Feb2975Reasonable and Inclusive eRideable Legislation — Requests the Legislative Council reforms legislation on eRideables in Western Australia (332 signatures)Hon Dr Brad Pettitt
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