The following petitions have been tabled in the Legislative Council.
 | Tabled | Paper # | | Petition | Tabled By | |
 | 2024 |
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| 26-Nov | 1585 | | Shack Site Communities, Preservation - Requests the Legislative Council support (321 signatures) | Hon Ken Travers |  |
| 25-Nov | 1576 | | Euthanasia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1011 signatures) | Hon Nick Goiran |  |
| 24-Nov | 1563 | | Redress WA Scheme - Request the Legislative Council support (357 signatures) | Hon Sue Ellery |  |
| 24-Nov | 1564 | | Euthanasia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1004 signatures) | Hon Helen Bullock |  |
| 17-Nov | 1525 | | Euthanasia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1011 signatures) | Hon Helen Morton |  |
| 12-Nov | 1512 | | Moore River Development - Request the Legislative Council oppose (80 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 12-Nov | 1511 | | Praying for Relief (Mr Dominic Manganaro) (1 signature) | Hon Nigel Hallett |  |
| 10-Nov | 1499 | | Shack Site Communities, Preservation - Requests the Legislative Council support (1932 signatures) | Hon Liz Behjat |  |
| 10-Nov | 1498 | | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees, and increase in fee - Request the Legislative Council oppose introduction of new increase (38 signatures) | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm |  |
| 10-Nov | 1500 | | Voluntary Euthanasia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1018 signatures) | Hon Nick Goiran |  |
| 22-Oct | 1450 | | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees, and increase in fee - Request the Legislative Council oppose introduction of new increase (530 signatures) | Hon Adele Farina |  |
| 13-Oct | 1399 | | Boorara Road Bridge - replace the current bridge - Request the Legislative Council support (176 signatures) | Hon Robyn McSweeney |  |
| 13-Oct | 1400 | | Mining products and hazardous materials - Inquiry into the safe transportation, management, handling and export - Request the Legislative Council support (64 signatures) | Hon Robin Chapple |  |
| 13-Oct | 1398 | | First Click Computer Funding cuts - Request the Legislative Council oppose (12 signatures) | Hon Kate Doust |  |
| 13-Oct | 1401 | | Moore River Development - Request the Legislative Council oppose (191 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 24-Sep | 1345 | | Esperance Anglican Community School, registration for years 11 and 12 - Request the Legislative Council support (2031 signatures) | Hon Wendy Duncan |  |
| 16-Sep | 1166 | | Route 344 Bus Service - South Ballajura Community Centre - Request the Legislative Council support the enhanced Route 344 service (32 signatures) | Hon Alyssa Hayden |  |
| 16-Sep | 1164 | | Transportation of detained persons - Request the Legislative Council support fundamental changes to the system (4940 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 16-Sep | 1163 | | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees, and increase in fee - Request the Legislative Council oppose introduction of new increase (477 signatures) | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm |  |
| 10-Sep | 1134 | | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees, and increase in fee - Request the Legislative Council oppose introduction of new increase (234 signatures) | Hon Jon Ford |  |
| 08-Sep | 1081 | | Kimberley Coast, development of a LNG processing hub - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose (3294 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 08-Sep | 1082 | | Mundlimup Forest, Jarrahdale logging - Request the Legislative Council oppose (898 signatures) | Hon Alison Xamon |  |
| 08-Sep | 1083 | | Swan River Crab Fishery, closure - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1552 signatures) | Hon Liz Behjat |  |
| 08-Sep | 1085 | | Swan River Crab Fishery, closure - Request the Legislative Council oppose (95 signatures) | Hon Liz Behjat |  |
| 08-Sep | 1084 | | Swan River Crab Fishery, closure - Request the Legislative Council oppose (247 signatures) | Hon Liz Behjat |  |
| 13-Aug | 1036 | | Uranium Mining in Western Australia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (182 signatures) | Hon Alison Xamon |  |
| 13-Aug | 1037 | | Busselton Hospital, immediate construction new hospital - Request the Legislative Council support (1672 signatures) | Hon Colin Holt |  |
| 12-Aug | 1030 | | First Click Computer Funding cuts - Request the Legislative Council oppose (46 signatures) | Hon Kate Doust |  |
| 12-Aug | 1031 | | Hanson Quarry expansion - Request the Legislative Council oppose (541 signatures) | Hon Alison Xamon |  |
| 11-Aug | 999 | | Kimberley Coast, oppose the development of a LNG processing hub - Requesting the Legislative Council support (1558 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 11-Aug | 1000 | | Depleted Uranium munitions - Requesting the Legislative Council inquire, report and recommend opposition to the use (492 signatures) | Hon Alison Xamon |  |
| 25-Jun | 911 | | Deep sewerage in Cockburn completion - Request the Legislative Council support (209 signatures) | Hon Lynn MacLaren |  |
| 24-Jun | 908 | | Geraldton Foreshore - Proposed redevelopment of the Public Open Space - Request the Legislative Council oppose (110 signatures) | Hon Philip Gardiner |  |
| 02-Jun | 826 | | Deep sewerage in Cockburn completion - Request the Legislative Council support (20 signatures) | Hon Lynn MacLaren |  |
| 02-Jun | 825 | | Legislation of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill for the rights of the terminally ill - Request the Legislative Council Support (593 signatures) | Hon Robin Chapple |  |
| 02-Jun | 824 | | Scarborough Beach Road, concern at the lack of adequate safe pedestrian crossings - Request the Legislative Council support (1634 signatures) | Hon Liz Behjat |  |
| 21-May | 798 | | Widening of Pinjarra and Williams Road, Boddington - BHP Worsley Alumina Bauxite Mine - Request the Legislative Council support (653 signatures) | Hon Wendy Duncan |  |
| 19-May | 775 | | Collie Shire Council’s Town Planning Scheme No. 5 (TPS5) and Associated Planning Strategy - Request the Legislative Council oppose (629 signatures) | Hon Paul Llewellyn |  |
| 13-May | 763 | | Blair Street and Koombana Drive, Lots 707, 681, and 723 - Retain as a Parks and Recreation Reserve - Request the Legislative Council support (2195 signatures) | Hon Paul Llewellyn |  |
| 13-May | 762 | | Emu Point, Albany redevelopment - Request the Legislative Council oppose (12 signatures) | Hon Paul Llewellyn |  |
| 13-May | 764 | | Land clearing in the Rockingham National Park - Request the Legislative Council oppose (42 signatures) | Hon Sue Ellery |  |
| 06-May | 716 | | Turner Caravan Park - Redevelopment by the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River - Request the Legislative Council oppose (695 signatures) | Hon Barry House |  |
| 06-May | 717 | | Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2008 - Request the Legislative Council support (152 signatures) | Hon Barry House |  |
| 06-May | 715 | | Esperance Residential College - Request the Legislative Council support the upgrade and expansion (81 signatures) | Hon Wendy Duncan |  |
| 31-Mar | 629 | | Esperance Residential College - Request the Legislative Council support the upgrade and expansion (293 signatures) | Hon Wendy Duncan |  |
| 18-Mar | 583 | | Dalyellup Beach Estate bushland be dedicated primarily to conservation - Request the Legislative Council support (1 signature) | Hon Adele Farina |  |
| 18-Mar | 584 | | Passenger rail service between Perth and Geraldton - Request the Legislative Council support (257 signatures) | Hon Brian Ellis |  |
| 18-Mar | 582 | | To maintain W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone - Request the Legislative Council support (69 signatures) | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm |  |
| 17-Mar | 539 | | Roe Highway Stage 8 - Inquiry into cost - effectiveness and sustainability - Request the Legislative Council support (16 signatures) | Hon Sally Talbot |  |
| 11-Mar | 531 | | Daylight Saving Bill 2006 - Request the Legislative Council support the rejection of the Bill at the referendum (164 signatures) | Hon Barry House |  |
| 11-Mar | 530 | | Showrooms being constructed on Lots 1,2,3,4,13 and 15 Ewen Street, Woodlands, Western Australia - Request the Legislative Council oppose (1 signature) | Hon George Cash |  |
| 10-Mar | 486 | | To maintain W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone - Request the Legislative Council support (537 signatures) | Hon Giz Watson |  |
| 10-Mar | 485 | | Scaevola Spinescens (Maroon Bush) - Granting of Commercial Producer’s and Commercial Purposes Licences for picking - Request the Legislative Council support (378 signatures) | Hon Brian Ellis |  |
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