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Tabled Papers

Petitions Tabled in the Legislative Council

The following petitions have been tabled in the Legislative Council.

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07-Dec2333Crabbing in Cockburn Sound - Requesting the Legislative Council support (104 Signatures)Hon Barbara Scott
06-Dec2314Royal Perth Hospital - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose closure (2509 Signatures)Hon Helen Morton
06-Dec2315Delivery of policing to the Bullsbrook Community - requesting Legislative Council support (272 Signatures)Hon Donna Faragher
05-Dec2300Road Reserve Management in the Shire of Toodyay and in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose (175 Signatures)Hon Louise Pratt
05-Dec2299Perth Modern School - Selection Criteria - Requesting the Legislative Council to support (1975 Signatures)Hon Peter Collier
23-Nov2277Road Safety Issues in Burswood Road - Requesting the Legislative Council recommend school zone and pedestrian crossing (321signatures)Hon Sheila Mills
23-Nov2276Coolbinia Kindergarten - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose proposed relocation (496signatures)Hon Peter Collier
16-Nov2235Protection of mature trees on public land in urban areas (10 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
16-Nov2234Depleted Uranium munitions - Requesting the Legislative Council to inquire, report and recommend opposition to use (167 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
16-Nov2236Supported Accommodation Services - Requesting the Legislative Council Support (550 signatures)Hon Barbara Scott
15-Nov2228Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China - Requesting the Legislative Council support (795 signatures)Hon Sally Talbot
31-Oct2181Royal Perth Hospital - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose closure (3148 signatures)Hon Helen Morton
24-Oct2146Protection of mature trees on public land in urban areas (38 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
18-Oct2132Protection of mature trees on public land in urban areas - Requesting the Legislative Council to support (9 signatures)Hon Ray Halligan
18-Oct2131Water rights on freehold land - Requesting the Legislative Council support (86 signatures)Hon Anthony Fels
17-Oct2085South Cardup Landfill - requesting the Legislative Council to inquire into (1258 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep1894Protection of mature trees on public land in urban areas. Requesting the Legislative Council to support (735 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep1895Proposal to clear South Coast Highway roadside, Denmark. Requesting the Legislative Council to oppose (454 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep1892Uranium Mining in Western Australia - Legislative Council to investigate the acceptability of a uranium mining industry against the health hazards for workers and residents of Western Australia (304 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep1893Iris Avenue Land Sunset - Opposing the sale of the state heritage listed land and construction on site known as Sunset on the Swan River foreshore, Dalkeith - Requesting the Legislative Council to oppose (187 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
13-Sep1861To maintain the name and location of Royal Perth Hospital (4780 signatures)Hon Helen Morton
29-Aug1810Royal Perth Hospital - Requesting the Legislative Council Oppose Closure (4145 signatures)Hon Barry House on behalf of Hon Helen Morton
24-Aug1780Train service between Bunbury and Perth - Requesting the Legislative Council to oppose proposed down grade of service (7252 signatures)Hon Barry House
22-Jun1623Iris Avenue at Sunset - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose (40 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
22-Jun1624Uranium Mining in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and evaluate the acceptability of a uranium mining industry in WA (239 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
22-Jun1625Uranium Mining in Western Australia - Opposing the establishment of a large number of uranium mines in this State (114 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun1600Family Birth Centre for the South-West Region - Requesting the Legislative Council to support (901 signatures)Hon Adele Farina
21-Jun1601Family Birth Centre for the South-West Region - Requesting the Legislative Council to support (352 signatures)Hon Adele Farina
25-May1541Select Committee into wait times for children needing Therapeutic services - Requesting the Legislative Council establish (465 signatures)Hon Barbara Scott
23-May1538Sorry Day Public Holiday - Requesting the Legislative Council legislate to declare 26 May a public holiday (90 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
02-May1475Infill deep sewerage for Spearwood, Hamilton Hill and Munster - Requesting the Legislative Council Support (20 signatures)Hon Barbara Scott
22-Mar1348Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in WA (38 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
22-Mar1347Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in WA (10 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
22-Mar1349Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in WA (358 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
15-Mar1329New Primary School in Hillarys - Requesting the Legislative Council to urge the Government to commit funds for planning and establishment (406 signatures)Hon Peter Collier
14-Mar1199Uranium Mining in WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and evaluate the acceptability of a uranium mining industry in WA (414 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
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