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Tabled Papers

Petitions Tabled in the Legislative Council

The following petitions have been tabled in the Legislative Council.

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01-Dec1134Northcliffe Karri Forest, Crowea 09 - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose clear-felling (37 signatures)Hon Paul Llewellyn
30-Nov1108Perry Lakes Redevelopment Bill 2005 - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose (1648 signatures)Hon Anthony Fels
29-Nov1090Point Peron Marina - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose an inland marina (2145 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
29-Nov1089Sunset on the Swan River foreshore at Dalkeith - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose any attempt to sell (100 signatures)The Acting Clerk
29-Nov1088Iris Avenue at Sunset - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose sale (100 signatures)The Acting Clerk
17-Nov1044Iris Avenue at Sunset - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose sale (300 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
17-Nov1043Sunset on the Swan River Foreshore at Dalkeith - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose any attempt to sell (100 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
15-Nov1001Utility Consumer Hardship Inquiry - Requesting the Legislative Council to examine and address utility consumer hardships (180 signatures)Hon Sally Talbot
19-Oct883Sunset on the Swan River Foreshore at Dalkeith - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose any attempt to sell (100 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
19-Oct882Community Midwifery Program and Primary Midwifery Care - Requesting the Legislative Council to support the implementation of the National Maternity Action Plan in WA (949 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
18-Oct851AK Reserve and Underwood Avenue Bushland - Requesting the Legislative Council to act to prevent loss of bushland (98 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
11-Oct797Porongurup National Park - Requesting the Legislative Council support a ban on further Bluegum or Commercial Forestry Plantations and aerial or ground spraying within a five kilometre zone (80 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
11-Oct798Uranium Mining in WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and evaluate the acceptability of a uranium mining industry in WA (275 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
22-Sep775Praying for Relief (Mr Neil Winzer) (1 signature)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep738Cane Toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (12 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep737Cane Toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (16 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep735Cane Toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (352 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep734Genetically Modified Organisms - Requesting the Legislative Council maintain Western Australia’s status as a GM-free zone (83 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
20-Sep736Cane Toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (39 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
31-Aug667Synergy Regional Call Centres - Requesting the Legislative Council inquire into collapse (4 signatures)Hon Simon O’Brien
30-Aug653Yilgarn Drainage System in the Eastern Wheatbelt - Requesting that it be contained and not allowed to enter the Yenyening Lakes or the Avon-Swan River System (80 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
30-Aug652Depleted Uranium Munitions - Requesting the Legislative Council to inquire and report and recommend opposition to use (80 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
18-Aug595Aerial Spraying of Insecticides - Requesting the Legislative Council to urge the Government to ban aerial spraying of tree farms in the Great Southern (2275 signatures)Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm
16-Aug545Genetically Modified Organisms - Requesting the Legislative Council maintain Western Australia’s status as a GM-free zone (40 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
16-Aug544Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in WA (1010 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
16-Aug546Uranium Mining in WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and evaluate the acceptability of a uranium mining industry in WA (159 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
30-Jun515Woodchip Mill at Bunbury Port - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose (509 signatures)Hon Barry House
29-Jun484Mental Health Consumer Advocacy Program - Requesting the Legislative Council to recommend to the Government to provide adequate funding (51 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
29-Jun483Alcoa Liquor Burner at Kwinana - Requesting the Legislative Council oppose proposed recommissioning (1 signature)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun423Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (39 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun417Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun422Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (27 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun421Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun418Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun424Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (119 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun425Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (183 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun420Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
21-Jun419Cane Toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
25-May391Cane Toads into WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
25-May393Genetically Modified Organisms - Requesting the Legislative Council maintain Western Australia’s status as a GM-free zone (39 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
25-May390Cane Toads into WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (115 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
25-May392Cane Toads into WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (6 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
19-May366Depleted Uranium Munitions - Requesting the Legislative Council to inquire and report and recommend opposition to use (879 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
19-May363Privately owned land subject to full or partial resumption or limitation of free and uninterrupted use when land is required for public purpose - Requesting the Legislative Council to consider (1 signature)Hon Derrick Tomlinson
19-May365Cane Toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in WA (244 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
19-May364Public Library Service - Requesting the Legislative Council inquire into the adequacy of State Government funding (1 signature)Hon Barbara Scott
18-May349Cane toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (20 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
18-May351Cane toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (148 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
18-May350Cane toads in Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (40 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
18-May352Juvenile Detention and Rehabilitation Centre in the Goldfields - Requesting the Legislative Council support the establishment of a juvenile detention and rehabilitation centre (9 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
17-May342Dual carriageway between Wanneroo and Yanchep Roads - Requesting the Legislative Council to call on the Government to complete (4 signatures)Hon George Cash
06-May329Cane toads into Western Australia - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (255 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
03-May290Cane Toads into WA - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and recommend short and long term strategies to prevent cane toads becoming established in Western Australia (87 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
26-Apr264Kimberley Water Project - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate alternatives to acquiring water from the Kimberley Region (106 signatures)Hon Robin Chapple
06-Apr227Water Corporation’s Upgrade of Trunk Main, Helena Valley Road - Requesting the Legislative Council investigate and make recommendations (88 signatures)Hon Barbara Scott
06-Apr228Porongurup National Park - Requesting the Legislative Council support a ban on further Bluegum or Commercial Forestry Plantations and aerial or ground spraying within a five kilometre zone (2047 signatures)Hon Giz Watson
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