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Parliamentary business

Access information on the business of the houses and their committees.

Member standing and speaking in the Legislative Assembly chamber while others listen at Parliament House


A bill is the draft of a proposed law.
Two copies of bills sitting on a table


Investigate proposed laws and matters of government policy, administration and performance.
Three committee reports; Legislative Council, joint house and Legislative Assembly


Questions asked of Ministers and answers to those questions, where available.
Minister addressing the Chamber during question time

Standing Orders

Rules by which the house operates.
Two people comparing the Standing Orders of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly

WA acts & regulations

Laws comprise acts of Parliament and delegated legislation.
Stacked copies of Acts on a table

Tabled Papers

Documents presented to the houses during the course of proceedings.
Chamber staff member tabling a document on the Table of the Legislative Assembly

Sitting Calendar

Details the meeting schedule for the Houses and committees, and scheduled tours and events.
Sitting Calendar for the Parliamentary sitting year

Watch and listen

Watch Parliament and its committees and access important documents relevant to proceedings.
Part of the Control Room panel for monitoring the Parliamentary broadcast


The official record of Parliamentary debates and committee proceedings.
Hansard reporter recording debates in the Legislative Assembly Chamber

Chamber documents

Used by the houses to facilitate the conduct of Parliamentary business.
Parliamentary Officers preparing Chamber documents for the Legislative Council

Order of Business

Timetable for business on a sitting day for both houses.
Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council Order of Business laid on a table

Scrutiny of finance

Each house of Parliament has an important role in scrutinising government finances.
Person reviewing government’s budget papers