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RSS feeds / alerts

Parliament provides two mechanisms for receiving information updates on Chamber documents and bills; RSS Feeds and email alerts.

RSS Feeds

To subscribe to an RSS feed, you need to copy and paste the URL of the feed into your RSS reader.

An RSS feed publishes updated information, typically in real-time, enabling subscribers to be alerted to what is new on a website, or part of a website, without having to visit the website itself.

RSS feeds are typically viewed through RSS readers or some web browsers.

Available RSS feeds

Legislative Council chamber documents

This feed advises when the Council is sitting, and related documents such as business programs, notices and questions.


Legislative Assembly chamber documents

This feed advises when the Assembly is sitting, and related documents such as business programs, notices and questions.



This feed advises of recent bill activity within the Parliament.

Email alerts

Parliament provides email notifications for Chamber documents and bills progress. These provide an alternative form of receipt to the RSS feeds for Chamber documents and bills above.

Available email alerts

Chamber documents alerts

An automated email containing a link to the selected Chamber document(s) is sent to those who register for the service. Documents are available for both houses and you may register for a specific Chamber document or all Chamber documents.

Bills alerts

You can register for email notifications of updates to bills by clicking on a current bill before the house(s) and then the subscribe button. You will receive a status update regarding the stage of progress of the bill as this is achieved.