Inquiry into the Devastating Impact on WA Farmers of Labor’s Sheep Trade Ban
Eligibility : Residents of Western Australia Only
Principal Petitioner: Thomas Brough |
Facilitating Member: Thomas, Hon Dr Steve |
Nanarup 6330 |
Closing Date: 29 October 2024 |
Posting Date: 20 August 2024 |
No. of Signatures: 282 |
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned ...
1. Support Western Australia’s farming community;
2. Are deeply concerned that Labor’s ban on the trade of sheep will have a devastating impact on WA farmers;
3. Have no confidence that Premier Roger Cook’s tepid pushback against his Federal counterpart, Prime Minister Albanese, will result in any meaningful change in direction;
4. Have noticed a distinct lack of knowledge and understanding by politicians and decision makers about this issue who have instead given great weight to the ideology of inner-city Greens;
5. Note that WA Labor’s changes to our electoral laws which have abolished regional representation from the next election, will only worsen this devastating state of affairs;
6. Call on the Legislative Council to conduct a public inquiry into the impact that this ban is already having on individuals and the WA economy more broadly so that politicians and decision makers can be properly informed and understand why an urgent change in direction is needed and warranted.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
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