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The Speaker and office holders

The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are both parliamentary office holders who are elected by the members of the house.

The Speaker’s function is to regulate debate and to ensure that the proceedings are carried out in accordance with the standing orders of the house and established parliamentary custom. The Speaker is also known, along with the President, as a Presiding Officer.

The Deputy Speaker carries out the functions of the Speaker and also chairs the annual estimates hearings in the Legislative Assembly.

The following positions are political office holders, appointed by their respective parties.

The Leader of the House is the government member who arranges and manages government business in the Assembly. By convention, the Leader of the House is typically a member of the cabinet.

The Leader of the Opposition is the leader of the party which is the next largest after the government party in the Assembly and is made up of members who do not support the government.

The government and opposition Whips are managers of party members and are responsible for ensuring party discipline, including organising their party members to take part in the debates and votes.

Member Office
Hon. Michelle Roberts MLASpeaker of the Legislative Assembly

Mr Stephen Price MLADeputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

Hon. David Templeman MLALeader of the House

Mr Peter Rundle MLADeputy Leader of the Opposition; Manager of Opposition Business

Ms Cassie Rowe MLAGovernment Whip

Mr Shane Love MLALeader of the Opposition

Hon. Mia Davies MLAOpposition Whip